PS 34:3

Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! ~Psalm 34:3

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So it's been a while since we've had a chance to update our blog- the Christmas season seems to be such a busy time of year, no matter how many things you say "no" to. Anyways....I will attempt to give you a brief update on where we stand with getting to the mission field.

Andrew got back from Haiti November 16. He had a great trip and took lots of pictures and video for me to see the new site at Grand Goave. He was able to spend the entire time with Bob (the director of HAF) to get a little better glimpse of their vision for the orphanages. We got a lot of questions answered on this trip. While he was there, Andrew was able to help fix the water filtration system at the orphanage at Jacmel- he's so handy!

Andrew was also able to meet the new couple that has recently move down to work with HAF- the Pierce's. Listen to how AMAZING our God is! We will be spending our first 6 months-1 year in Jacmel with Ken & Diane Pierce focusing most of our attention on learning Creole and the Haitian culture. Ken is an ER physician and Diane is a nurse!! How cool is it that we will have a doctor right on our compound?!?! Our God is so good!

In addition to meeting the Pierce's, there was another amazing God-send. Most of you know that Andrew has a love and passion for flying. When God called us to Haiti, flying wasn't the main focus of the HAF mission, and it was going to be put on the back burner for a little while. It's amazing what happens when you surrender to the Lord your desires and dreams! When Andrew was in Haiti this time, he met a guy who designs water filtration systems and who also helped start Missionary Aviation Fellowship in Haiti. Through talking with him and hearing his vision for Haiti, he said that he is planning on building a runway in Petite Goave (which is only 5 miles away from Grand Goave!) So not only is aviation still in the picture, but God is paving the way and preparing it for us.

Another huge item of praise with our financial support: (1) we have about 30% of our monthly support and (2) $2,000 towards outgoing expenses!!! Praise the Lord! We are SO encouraged by the confirmation that God keeps giving us through the gracious gifts of His people. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

To sum it all up: our God is AMAZING! He is doing extraordinary things and showing Himself to us in ways we've never seen before!! He truly is orchestrating all of the details right before our eyes. Thank you so much for your continued prayers- we know that without your prayer support we would not be where we are today. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you..." ~Philippians 1:3.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Andrew's in Haiti

Andrew just arrived to Port Au Prince and is on his way to the Jacmel orphanage. Praise God that he found the right guy that was supposed to pick him up. (Last time when we were at the PAP airport in April, a guy with our names on his sign tried to give us a ride with a random person.....and we were totally at a loss- because we knew NO CREOLE! Hahaha). So I'm very thankful Andrew found the right guy this time without any problems.

Please be praying that during this long weekend trip, that Andrew will be able to get a lot of answers. We're hoping (this weekend) to get a better picture for what our responsibilities will be once we get there in March. We're also hoping to get some prices on furniture/vehicles/ random items so we can have a better idea of how we should pack (sell our stuff, and buy all new furniture....or ship it).

Also, please continue to pray for the cholera outbreak- it has now spread to Port Au Prince. And with all the flooding, the water-borne disease will only continue to spread. We are very thankful that the Hands & Feet orphanages have water filtration systems, but not everyone in Haiti is so fortunate to have clean drinking water. Thanks again for partnering with us as we prepare to go to Haiti!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Exciting Support Update

We've gotten several really exciting emails and phone calls from several different people with HAF, and I've been meaning to write them up in a blog, but I've been a little behind. So I apologize for this one being so long. But I wanted to make sure I included everything.

So we got a really exciting email from Mark Stuart about a week ago! He said that he really wanted to help us raise support by using the platform that they have with Audio A. He said he was thinking about making a 90 sec video of us. He said he would tell a little about us at the beginning, and then we could share our story at the end. And it sounds like they are going to show this video at their concerts! How crazy is that?! I can only imagine how many people will get to hear the story of how God has called us to follow Him to Haiti!

This is totally a God-thing! Andrew said to me in the car Wednesday morning on our way to work, "I really feel like we need to just set a date to go in March, whether we have all of our support or not. If God has called us to go, why can't we trust him for the rest of the finances. We keep saying that we trust Him, then why not step out in faith and trust?" I was thinking, ok, I guess you're right. So, then....that very same day Andrew got a phone call from Bob (the director of HAF) and he said that they would like to help us out with our financial support- from H&F!!! They would like to be able to give us a little salary! SERIOUSLY?! It was as if God was directly telling us "don't let the financial support hinder you from getting to Haiti!" It was really neat, because I feel like we had been holding on to our support with a pretty firm grip, but when we let it go and completely gave it to the Lord, (which is where it should have been in the first place) He worked it out better than we could have! Imagine that- the God of the universe can handle our battles a whole lot better than we can as humans.

And to top all of that off: we got a phone call yesterday from Drex (Mark Stuart's dad), who said that he would love to help us in any way they can as we prepare to go. They are willing to meet with us and help us to emotionally and mentally prepare for Haiti. Then he said that him and his wife were also thinking about going down in January to build us a cottage on the Grand Goave site, and get it all ready for us and baby!

So not only are we getting SO much help with support from Mark & Bob, but we're getting emotional support from people who have lived down there AND we're getting a cottage built for us in the meantime! It's undeniable that God is the perfect orchestrator!! It is just amazing to see how God is completely working out all the details right in front of our eyes! And to Him be all the glory and honor and praise!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

God-Send Encouragements

Ok, so I've had some really awesome conversations over the past week with some random people God has put in my path at work. 2 days ago I was talking with the pastor of one of my patients, which first of all, was kind of refreshing to be talking about the Lord at work. But secondly, through our conversation, before I even mentioned Haiti to him, he told me that he has been leading mission trips down to Haiti since the 70's. When I heard that, my jaw dropped to the floor!! Then I got to tell him about our plans to move to Haiti this Spring. He was really interested and very excited about what God is doing in our lives. And through talking with him, he gave me several couple's names to get in touch with (who run orphanages in Haiti). He told me that one of the couple's lives near a place called "Petit Goave" and they have a hospital there and really have a finely run system. Little did the Pastor know that the place where we'll be living (eventually) will be at Grand Goave- which is less than 10 miles away from Petit Goave!! God is so amazing!!!! top all of that off, he told me that they had some extra money left over in their missions budget for this month, and he really felt the Lord leading him to give it to us!!! WOW!! What an amazing divine appointment. It just continues to confirm His call on our lives. It's such an amazing feeling to know that you are right in the center of His will- there is so much peace in knowing that you are right where He wants you to be!

To top that off, God sent me another encouraging conversation today at work. One of my patients was asking me about what will happen once the baby's born, and if I'll go back to work. So I got to tell her about our plans to go to Haiti. She seemed really excited about our ministry and told me that her son is a worship pastor at a church outside of Chicago and they are really involved in missions. She asked if I had some more information that she could send to him! Then, she looked at me and asked, "can I keep in touch with you?" :-) God is so good!!!

These two conversations have just been an amazing encouragement in spite of the devil's flaming arrows of doubt and discouragement. Please pray that we would not let the devil gain a foothold by falling for his lies. Also, pray that we would be able to stay focused on Christ and His call on our lives as we continue to walk in obedience to Him. May we never allow our own desires for comfort get in the way of what God wants to do through us! Is the Gospel not worth our all? Is Christ not worthy of our all? Pray that we would continue to rely on Christ and His strength and wisdom as we prepare to make this transition.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

God Send Pediatrician

God gave us the coolest confirmation today. We have been looking for a Pediatrician who would see our baby for a few weeks, and then be ok with us moving with our newborn 6 weeks after the delivery, to Haiti. (Not many of the MD's I work with think that's a good idea!) But the Williams had told us about Hagan's Pediatrician and how he is a strong believer. We thought that maybe he would understand a little and could potentially be a good resource for us while we're in a foreign country with our newborn.

So we had an appointment with him yesterday morning. I started out by telling him that we're in a little different situation than most first time parents. I explained our situation and how we feel like God is leading us to move to Haiti full time. He seemed totally cool with it (but he did say 6 weeks is the earliest we should leave- which was good to know!) He kept asking questions about our call and what we would be doing down that was pretty cool. Then he proceeded to tell us his story. GET THIS! About 1 week after the earthquake, he went down to Haiti to help with some of the initial needs for a week! So he already has a heart for Haiti (which is pretty neat.) THEN....he continues to tell us that he and 4 of his other friends from church are in the process of starting and orphanage down there!!! He said last night he had just booked his plane ticket to go down for a few days to get some more ideas the middle of Sept!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?! Not only does our new pediatrician have a heart for Haiti, but he is trying to start an orphanage down there- which is exactly what we're going to be doing!!
To top all of this off, he said he knows a few MD's down in Haiti, but when he goes down there in a few weeks, he is going to see if they know of any good MD's near Grand Goave (where we'll be living!) Could God have orchestrated it any better? I was worried about finding a pediatrician in Haiti, but God has completely crossed that off my list- because Dr. Cope is going to help us find one (who better to find a good one than a believing Pediatrician from the US?) Anyways- I just felt compelled to journal all of the amazing ways God is providing for our needs and completely confirming that this is where we need to be. God is SO amazing!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Decision

Ok, so we have wrestled for a few weeks (that have felt like months) about this decision of where we think God is leading us full time. Through this time we have really struggled with several theological issues such as "does God really have an IDEAL, PERFECT plan for each of our lives?" and if so, "how specific is His will for our lives?" This raised a lot more questions in my mind as I got thinking about them. Anyways- we've been learning a lot about God and how He shows us His desire for our lives.

We have just recently felt like God has made it clear to both of us individually that He is leading us towards Haiti. We both feel confident that this is where God would have us serve full time. So now what? That's been the question of the week for us! We are still hoping to get to Haiti for good by the end of February (a few weeks after our baby is born).....which means a lot of planning and preparing in a few short months. It seems very overwhelming at first, but I'm learning to take it one step at a time. We are hoping to be able to take one more trip down to Haiti (most likely in the end of Oct/early Nov) to get an idea for where we would be staying/living/working etc. We will update you guys on the specific dates of that when we know :-).

Right now there's a million questions running through our minds- so we would covet your prayers for guidance and wisdom as we seek to transition to the mission field. We are some of the first missionaries with Hands & Feet- so there's going to be a lot of "trial & error" going on. Please pray that the rest of the pregnancy goes well (so far so good :-) and that the transition with a newborn would be as easy as it can be. Thanks again for all your support!!! We'll update as soon as we know what our next step is.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Brooks Range Bible Camp

We are currently sitting in the airport in Anchorage, AK awaiting our overnight flight to SC. We have had a great 2 weeks up in Alaska working with some Eskimo kids. The first week we had 28 kids (ages 8-12) come to camp. They were pretty well behaved (for the most part) and had a lot of fun. I’m not sure of the exact number of decisions that were made for Christ that week- but we heard of several stories of kids turning their lives over to Christ. The second week was a little more challenging (as was expected.) The teenagers were a little more stubborn, but not as bad as I had expected. (Praise the LORD!) We had 14 teenagers that 2nd week- so we had almost a 1:2 (camper to counselor) ratio, which was great! Andrew was a counselor both weeks for some boys, and I was the camp nurse. We had a few cuts and bruises here and there, but praise the LORD no body got really sick.

One girl in particular, Chelsea (16 years old), really tugged at some of our hearts. She (along with a lot of the other teens) is addicted to smoking and alcohol. We’re not quite sure what it was, but it almost seemed like she had some sort of demonic influence in her life. Something just didn’t seem right. For example, as soon as we started reading the Scriptures during our chapel time, she randomly stormed out of the room causing a big scene and threw up outside. The 2nd day into camp, several threats were made to commit suicide. So three of us counselors got to sit by her bed all night and pray and read Scripture over her. Anyways, the next day we shared some of our favorite verses with her and told her that we had been praying all night for her. She seemed to be somewhat receptive. But at the end of that day, she ended up going home because she said she couldn’t stand it anymore without cigarettes and hated it here. So as the Lord brings her to mind, she could use a lot of prayer. Pray that she would continue to seek after Christ, as her only fulfillment in life. There is a missionary couple in their village- pray that they would continue to be able to reach out to Chelsea.

We are hoping to take the next several weeks to really pray about where the Lord might be calling us full time. We’re hoping that by the middle of August we’ll have made a decision and start the support raising process along with the preparation for the field. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support in our mission journeys!! We’ll keep you updated.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kingdom Air Corps in Sutton, AK

We flew up to Alaska on July 9. We have been staying at the Kingdom Air Corps Ranch in Sutton, AK with a SEND missionary (Dwayne King) and 50 other pilots/mechanics in training. For the past few days, we've been getting all 7 airplanes ready to fly 4 hours north (north of the arctic circle) to where we will be having camp for some eskimo kids.

Andrew & I were able to fly up to a Christian Urgent Care Center (closely associated with SEND) to look at a potential work place in the future. They are an urgent care center with the capacity to keep 3-4 patients overnight (if needed), as well as some doctor's offices (for routine care). Anyways- that was pretty neat to see a Christian clinic out in the middle of Alaska.

30 of us will be flying/driving up to Brooks Range Bible Camp today for 1 1/2 weeks. We will fly in tomorrow to several villages to pick up about 20 young kids. Then on Monday we will fly them back and pick up a group of teenagers for the second week. Then we head back on Saturday (7/24) to Anchorage and then Columbia.

Here are some specific prayer requests as we prepare to go to camp:
- Safe travels (the weather seems good right now, but please continue to pray that it would remain clear and the smoke from the fires would blow the other direction.)
- Wisdom & discernment of the pilots as they fly through the mountains/clouds & make critical decisions.
- Patience- especially for me as we work with teenagers who culturally lack a lot of discipline (pregnancy only magnifies that weakness)
- Salvation of many souls and that God would use them, in turn, in instrumental ways to bring the Gospel back to their villages.
- Clarity of the Gospel message that will be shared
- Continue to pray for God's plan for our lives involving missions- that it would be so clear where He would have us be full time. At this point, it seems unclear but we're going to continue to trust Him to show us.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Myrtle Grove Baptist & Alaska Update

About two weeks ago, we got an exciting call from a church in NC where Andrew's cousin goes. They said that each year they sponsor a missionary couple for their VBS, and this year they wanted to support us. WOW! We were completely amazed at this incredible opportunity to connect with another church so early in our support raising process. It was a total surprise to us! It was also complete affirmation that this is indeed, exactly where God wants us to be. So, last Thursday and Friday Andrew and I flew up (in the Cessna 150) to Wilmington, NC to Myrtle Grove Baptist Church. The entire church was so welcoming! The children have a competition throughout the week to see who can raise more money: the girls vs. the boys. (This year the boys won.) These 150 children raised $1700 for our missions journey!! We were absolutely amazed and humbled at the same time!! Praise God for such an awesome opportunity to share about what He's doing in Haiti and Alaska.

We are still planning on going up to Alaska from July 9-24 to help out with a camp for the kids at an abandoned gold mine. We are hoping to take the first day there to enjoy God's creation as a couple- as it will be our 1 year anniversary. The next day, we're hoping to talk to the missionaries up there (Dwayne & Carolyn King) and tour around to get an idea for what we might be doing, if that's where God is calling us for full time ministry. Then on Monday (we think) we leave to pick up the kids for camp. We fly into their villages and pick them up and bring them to the gold mine. While the kids are at camp, we are able to teach the Word, sing His praises, hike in His beautiful creation and have lots of fun. At the end of the week- we bring those kids back and pick up some older kids from those same villages for their week at camp. We are planning on flying back late on Saturday night (7/24).

Prayer requests:
- Please pray for a safe flight there and back
- Pray for safe flights while we're up there flying in the mountains of Alaska
- Pray that the forest fires (which are common in the summer) won't produce so much smoke that it delays the flights to and from camp.
- Pray for God to clearly show us His will for where He wants us to be full-time
- Pray that these kids would see Christ through us and as we teach them the Word, it would really impact and change their lives.
- Pray that the children will be bold to bring the Gospel back to their families in the villages (where there are very few churches- if any).

Thank you so much for all your prayer support!!