We are extremely proud to announce the arrival of our new daughter: Faith Elizabeth Sutton. She was born January 15 @ 10:47am, right on her due date! She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches. We labored 5 hours at home, 5 hours at the hospital and my water broke on the way. She came with only 12 minutes of pushing, we couldn't ask for a better delivery!
We immediately thought we needed to name her Faith after what God has been teaching us recently. He's been teaching us to trust Him in this move to Haiti and to rely fully in His Sovereignty. We have a few pictures of her on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=268787&id=503675442. She has been such a blessing and is truly an amazing baby! She really isn't very fussy at all- our parents keep saying we don't know how good we have it :-)
We've been blessed to have so much family and friends around! Auntie Cass was here before Faith came and was here for the delivery- what a tremendous help in keeping me distracted the last 2 weeks. Grandma & Grandpa Hills are here now for a few days to see Faith and Uncle Rick & Nicole are coming down Thursday. Uncle Edward came from Charleston the day after she was born. Meme & Pop Sutton have been by every day to visit their Grandbaby. We've also had so many meals brought to us from friends- our freezer is packed! We are truly blessed to have such amazing friends and family!!
She really is SUCH a beautiful little girl and is SO blessed to be raised by such godly parents! It is so encouraging to see a couple, newly married, newly parents - yet committed 100% to following God's call on their lives - no matter what. I hope you know how much you are loved and supported by us!!! :)